Friday, July 31, 2015

Halfway there

38 scenes with 50+ actors totaling 59 7/8 pages, including three complete episodes, in only 6 shooting days. That's our progress so far on "this is whY". The best part? We've shot the most complicated scenes with the most difficult content. The second half is a lot more performance-based and less action-based with the majority of the remaining scenes only containing two to four characters, three of which are the producers. Logistically, I might actually be able to take a deep breath.

Not to mention, barring reshoots, we're done with the pool. No more worrying about wet equipment, or drying off actors, or anyone slipping on deck. No need to have a lifeguard on set at all times.
The other locations are each for a single day, and we've already nailed down most of them because they're more common places like an apartment, house, park, street, classroom.

Casting is done, provided no one has a conflict, leaving only contracts and scripts to be distributed to the remaining cast members. Then some scheduling magic to coordinate the remaining shoot dates.

Luckily, we're going on a three week hiatus from shooting. We'll resume at the end of August. So we have all sorts of time to get things done!

Time is a funny thing. It feels like yesterday that Kate came to me with the idea of producing our own work but it was 10 months ago. On the other hand, our first day of shooting at the beginning of July feels like light years ago. Also, when you're waiting for someone to fly something in on set it can feel like a lifetime, but when you're under the gun, because you're quickly approaching your six-hour break, time flies by. I'd love to have more time. More pool time, more time to shoot, more time to get people to trains. However, if I had more time, I'm not sure I would use it properly because there's something about the pressure of a deadline that causes productivity to sky rocket. Then again, a little more time would mean a little less stress so I might take that chance.

Before I know it, production will be over and we'll move into post-production and distribution. Yes, that's the first time I've mentioned distribution because honestly, I hadn't thought much about it, outside of posting to YouTube, until people started asking about it. I was given some good advice this weekend, "Aim high." If you don't reach for the highest goal, you'll never achieve it. Most people talk themselves out of extravagant goals, thinking there's no way to reach the pinnacle. Well, the other side of that coin is that you'll never reach the peak if your goal is only halfway. So I'm going to slowly start researching what to do when post is complete. Better to start early since time keeps ticking by.

I would love to say everything will be complete and released by X-date and that cast/crew will be receiving footage on Y-date, but that just isn't realistic. I hope those who have been a part of this project thus far have seen our commitment to the success of the production and trust that we are doing what's best for it's lifespan. Be sure to keep reading to stay up to date with our milestones.

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