Monday, June 15, 2015

Everyone Has Problems

The world is full of problems. Everyone has them and it's incredibly easy to point them out, explain how they became problems and why you can't do something because of the problem. I've decided to see things a little differently. Search for solutions. I sounds cliched, I know. But if you see a problem as an end point rather than a conquerable obstacle then you're done. Game over.

I'm convinced that there is a gang of Hollywood ninjas who's job it is to make crazy shit happen to productions to see if they can handle it. Those who overcome, succeed. Those who fall prey are doomed. The list of crazy things that have happened on the sets I've been on is unfathomable. If most people were to look upon this list, I guarantee most people would throw up their hands and give up before they try.  You're location fell through day of a shoot, your DP got heat exhaustion and had to go to the hospital, an airport is 2 miles away and an airplane flies overhead every 45 seconds blowing your sound on any take longer than 35 seconds, it starts to rain in the middle of a pyrotechnics stunt. Not joking. Real life.

When I worked for the Discovery Channel and the Weather Channel we frequently laughed and said, "When reality gets in the way of reality TV..."

People are always looking for the answer to "Why?". Why me? Why now? Why is this happening? No answer will ever be satisfactory, except maybe "It's the Hollywood ninjas f***ing with us." I got to the point where I stopped searching for the answer and started looking for the solution. The fact is whatever happened, happened. The next step is not to investigate why it happened, (unless it can somehow be prevented in the future - Side bar: rain cannot be prevented, I have looked into this.), rather take the time to figure out a solution. One line of dialogue can be added to rectify an overnight blizzard that will screw up your continuity. Maybe it can be changed in post. (Note: do NOT, I repeat, do NOT rely on post, the editors and the budget will hate you.)

I have taken this approach in my every day life as well. Things happen. React appropriately. Don't take it personally. Also, get creative. Yes, you can make lemonade out of lemons, but what about limoncello? A lemon drop? A classic James Bond martini with a lemon twist? (It must be nearing 5 o'clock).

This is my current mantra, and I think it has been the key to getting my life in balance. At the risk of sounding like I'm auditioning to be a life coach, here's some advice. Stop getting in your way and seeing the problems. After college everything was a problem. I can't get a job. My friends moved away. I can't do this. I can't afford that. Blah blah blah. I did a lot of bitching. And I hear other people do it too.

24 hours in a day isn't a problem. Distance isn't a problem. Money isn't a problem (Pride is a problem, if you don't want to work a job that pays you money because you think it's beneath you, then you are not making limoncello. You have decided you can and will only make lemonade. Good luck with that.)
When I left the film industry originally, I needed money to pay for my loans and expenses, so I got a job. I was cutting open boxes in the basement of Macy's and peeling plastic off the new merchandise. I swallowed my pride and fixed the problem and eventually it led to another job, then another, etc.

I wanted to afford to go out, go to concerts, travel. Solution: Second job. I also get a free gym membership with it so saving money and staying healthy. Double whammy. 

I'm never around when the shows I want to watch are on. Solution: Netflix, DVR and OnDemand.

I like to read and never have time. Solution: I listen to audiobooks while I work, drive, shower and eat. 

I need to stay healthy. Solution: I'm active in my jobs, and stay after work to swim. Save myself the trip. I also eat well and sleep. (Yes, I do actually sleep. I make it a priority because without it nothing else gets done.)

My advice, find solutions, kill as many birds as you can with one stone and multitask where necessary. 

I've never been more happy because I'm overcoming obstacles and making myself happy. No one else is going to make you happy. Fight for it. Writing/producing/acting makes me happy. So I'm fighting for it.

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